meeting 7,8 august 2010

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Messaggio da leggere da hansieb112 »

De 2010 meeting - bbq - tour

Date: 7 & 8 august 2010
Locatie: Groningen, Holland

Also this year is organising an meeting/bbq/tour weekend.
For every person there is something to do this year!

Topic will be open for 1 month so you can sign up.
Signingup can be done at or send a pm to Tonni or Hansieb

Date: Saturday 7 august 2010
Time: 13:00 beginning
Location: Harkstede - Driemerweg (Click for google maps)!!

Just like last year we are organising an nice meeting on saturday.

You can do the following things:
- Meet other people
- Make photo's
- Sprint
- Perhaps even an testbench.



Date: Sateruday 7 august 2010
Time: After the meeting
Location: De havik scoutinggebouw (Click for google maps!!) Park your car !CLICK!

Also like last year there is a possiblity to sleep and bbq. This happends on a diffrent location then last year. This year we are staying at scoutinggroup "De Havik".

What will it cost:

You can choose seperatly ofcourse what you want to do.

Sleep over = 15 euro
- 1 Night at Scoutinggroup "De Havik"
- Breakfast

Barbecue = 10 euro
- Inclusive some drinks (beer, soda further consumptions you must pay yourself)
- Inclusive meat and ketchup/other things

What will we do
- Meeting
- Barbecue
- Music
- Bingo with nice prices from the sponsors
- A tour on sunday



Date: Sunday 8 august 2010
Time: 10:00/10.30 de tour will start
Km's: between 80-125 km, depends on how big the group is.
Location: De havik scoutinggebouw (KLIK voor google maps!!) Park your car !KLIK!
Tourroute: !!Klik hier!! voor het concept van de tour!

New this year is a small tour, this makes tourlovers also get there portion of Groningen.
The tour starts at the scoutinggroup and will go to the northsea.

Tour with us when you have:

- Minimum speed of 45km/h
- Insurred moped with a good moped engine.
- Proper breakes and drive normal.


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